// array storing all currently added maps; var addedKBmaps = []; function Map(name){ this.name = name; this.mapMarkers = []; this.maxZindex = 2; this.openedModals = []; this.container = jQuery("#"+ this.name + " .KBmap__mapContainer .KBmap__mapHolder"); this.mapDataJSON; this.addMarker = function(icon, cordX, cordY, name){ var markerName; // if name param is specified use it and check for duplicates in mapMarkers array else generate name if(typeof name !== 'undefined'){ markerName = generateUniqueMarkerName(this, name); }else{ markerName = generateUniqueMarkerName(this); } this.mapMarkers[markerName] = new MapMarker(markerName, icon, cordX, cordY, this); } this.removeMarker = function(mapMarker){ this.mapMarkers[mapMarker].removeMarker(); } this.importJSON = function(mapDataJSON){ this.mapDataJSON = mapDataJSON; for (importedMarkerName in this.mapDataJSON){ // add new marker this.addMarker(this.mapDataJSON[importedMarkerName].icon, this.mapDataJSON[importedMarkerName].cordX, this.mapDataJSON[importedMarkerName].cordY, importedMarkerName); // add modal to new added marker if specified in json if (this.mapDataJSON[importedMarkerName]["modal"] && this.mapDataJSON[importedMarkerName]["modal"].title && this.mapDataJSON[importedMarkerName]["modal"].content) { ; this.mapMarkers[importedMarkerName].addModal(this.mapDataJSON[importedMarkerName]["modal"].title, this.mapDataJSON[importedMarkerName]["modal"].content); }; } } this.generateJSON = function(){ // function code here } this.showAllMapMarkers = function(){ var count = 0; for (mapMarker in this.mapMarkers){ if (mapMarker != "removeElement") { this.mapMarkers[mapMarker].show(); }; } } this.closeAllModals = function(){ for (var i = this.openedModals.length-1; i >= 0; i--) { this.openedModals[i].closeModal() }; } } // Map class end function MapMarker(name, icon, cordX, cordY, map){ this.map = map; this.name = name; this.icon = icon; this.cordX = cordX; this.cordY = cordY; this.markerContainer = this.map.container; // jquery map marker container object this.modal; this.addModal = function(modalTitle, modalContent){ this.modal = new MarkerModal(modalTitle, modalContent, this); } this.activate = function(){ jQuery('[data-marker-name="' + this.name + '"]').addClass('active'); } this.deactivate = function(){ jQuery('[data-marker-name="' + this.name + '"]').removeClass('active'); } this.setCurrent = function(){ jQuery('[data-marker-name="'+ this.name +'"]').css('z-index', this.map.maxZindex); this.map.maxZindex++; } this.unsetCurrent = function(){ jQuery('[data-marker-name="'+ this.name +'"]').css('z-index', "1"); } this.generateMarker = function(){ output = '
' return output; } this.removeMarker = function(){ jQuery('[data-marker-name="'+this.name+'"]').remove(); delete this.map.mapMarkers[this.name]; this.map.openedModals.removeElement(this.modal); } this.show = function(){ this.markerContainer.append(this.generateMarker()); } } // MapMarker class end function MarkerModal(modalTitle, content, linkedMapMarker){ this.title = modalTitle; this.linkedMapMarker = linkedMapMarker; // linked to modal map marker object this.content = content; this.positionedElemOffsetX = null; this.positionedElemOffsetY = null; self = this; this.generateModal = function(){ output = '

' + this.title + '

'; output += '
' + this.content + '
'; output += '
'; return output; } this.isModalActive = function(){ return (jQuery('[data-marker-name="' + this.linkedMapMarker.name + '"]').hasClass('active')); } this.closeModal = function(){ jQuery('[data-marker-name="'+ this.linkedMapMarker.name +'"] .KBmap__markerContent').remove(); this.linkedMapMarker.map.openedModals.removeElement(this); this.linkedMapMarker.deactivate(); this.linkedMapMarker.unsetCurrent(); if (this.linkedMapMarker.map.openedModals.length < 1) { this.linkedMapMarker.map.maxZindex = 2; }; } this.openModal = function(){ this.linkedMapMarker.activate(); this.linkedMapMarker.setCurrent(); // generate modal and insert it into block with clicked map marker; jQuery('[data-marker-name="' + this.linkedMapMarker.name + '"]').append(this.generateModal()); // add currently opened modal to array with all opened modals; this.linkedMapMarker.map.openedModals.push(this); // center opened modal on map marker (css); this.clearPosition(); } this.toggleModal = function(){ if ( ! this.isModalActive() ){ this.openModal(); }else{ this.closeModal(); } } this.clearPosition = function(){ $markerContentWidth = jQuery('[data-marker-name="'+ this.linkedMapMarker.name +'"]').find('.KBmap__markerContent').outerWidth(); $markerContentHeight = jQuery('[data-marker-name="'+ this.linkedMapMarker.name +'"]').find('.KBmap__markerContent').outerHeight(); // if modal content block width is grater than window width set modal with to window width if ($markerContentWidth > jQuery(window).outerWidth()) { $markerContentWidth = jQuery(window).outerWidth()-1; } $markerWidth = jQuery('.KBmap__marker').outerWidth(); $markerHeight = jQuery('.KBmap__marker').outerHeight(); $positionedElem = jQuery('[data-marker-name="'+ this.linkedMapMarker.name +'"]').find('.KBmap__markerContent'); self.positionedElemOffsetX = -($markerContentWidth/2)+$markerWidth/2; self.positionedElemOffsetY = $markerHeight/2; $positionedElem.css({ 'left': self.positionedElemOffsetX, 'bottom': self.positionedElemOffsetY, 'max-width': jQuery(window).outerWidth() }); // if modal is off screen changes its left/right position until modal is fully on screen whileOffScreen(); } function whileOffScreen(){ // while is overflowing screen on the left while (($positionedElem.offset().left < 0)&(!($positionedElem.offset().left + $markerContentWidth > jQuery(window).outerWidth()))) { self.positionedElemOffsetX += 1; $positionedElem.css({ 'left': self.positionedElemOffsetX, 'bottom': self.positionedElemOffsetY, 'max-width': jQuery(window).outerWidth()-1 }); } // while is overflowing screen on the rifht while (($positionedElem.offset().left + $markerContentWidth > jQuery(window).outerWidth())&(!($positionedElem.offset().left < 0))) { self.positionedElemOffsetX += -1; $positionedElem.css({ 'left': self.positionedElemOffsetX, 'bottom': self.positionedElemOffsetY, 'max-width': jQuery(window).outerWidth()-1 }); } // while is overflowing srceen on top while($positionedElem.offset().top<0){ self.positionedElemOffsetY += -1; $positionedElem.css({ 'left': self.positionedElemOffsetX, 'bottom': self.positionedElemOffsetY, 'max-width': jQuery(window).outerWidth()-1 }); } } } // MarkerModal class end /* * * Required functionality methods and functions * */ Array.prototype.removeElement = function(elem){ var index = this.indexOf(elem); if (index > -1) { this.splice(index, 1); } } function generateName(namebase){ return namebase+Math.floor((Math.random() * 1000) + 1); } function generateUniqueMarkerName(map, name){ var namebase = 'mapMarker'; var objname; // check if param name is specified, if so use its name and check for duplicates if(typeof name !== 'undefined'){ objname = name; }else{ objname = generateName(namebase); } var infiniteLoopCheck = 0; while (map.mapMarkers[objname]) { objname = generateName(namebase); infiniteLoopCheck++; if (infiniteLoopCheck > 1000) { console.error('After 10000 tries couldnt generate unique name for MapMarker object. Change max number in MapMarker object name [function generateName()]. Default max: 1000'); return false; }; } return objname; } function getKBmap(name){ for (var i=0, iLen=addedKBmaps.length; i'; jQuery('#'+name).append(output); window[name] = new Map(name, mapDataJSON); addedKBmaps.push(window[name]); }